Sucess Stories_DE

Unsere Erfolgsgeschichten

Roberta, Lithuania

Roberta's volunteering trip to Italy.
"I became braver, much braver. I realised that volunteering is a power."

Morgane, France

Morgane was a volunteer in Lithuania.
"I learned to be patient, I learned some Lithuanian and I learned to create projects."

Justas, Lithuania

Justas went to Spain as a volunteer.
"I realised: if a problem arises, never keep it to yourself and don't be angry."

Arminas, Lithuania

Arminas' story of experiencing teamwork.
"We created nice things together and we helped the local community."

Guillaume, France

Guillaume's story of volunteering for La Bonne Graine.
"Volunteering opened up new horizons."

Samanta, Lithuania

Growth through volunteering.
"Each day, volunteering became easier, more fun, and I developed into a braver person."